Having lived in Germany... I can see how this could be a reality...
Yes, I can see this happening... maybe in Baumental, Germany, a village just outside of Heidelberg that I lived in before I moved to Schweizingen... MMM
I'm a librarian, born on Leap Year in 1948. I met my husband, Lou, in Heidelberg, Germany. We were married in Reno, Nevada. I have two wonderful stepsons, two lovely daughters-in-law and 7 awesome grandkids! I have a music degree from Cal State Fullerton and a MSLS from the University of Southern California. My favorite baseball team is the Dodgers. My first professional position as a Librarian began at Leighton Barracks, Wuerzburg, Germany in December 1976. From there, I transferred to Patrick Henry Village Library in Heidelberg in 1980. Then another transfer to Fort Jackson, South Carolina in 1983. In 1991, I took a promotion at Fort Drum, NY. I realized a dream, and was involved with designing the interior footprint for the McEwen Library. In 2003, I transferred to Fort Stewart, GA, where I am involved in the renovation of the Post Library that will soon have it's grand opening in late April 2008.