It's Friday, or TGIF... and my husband would say, "Toes go in first." Anyway, sometime in the 1990s, Lou and I drove from Upstate New York to California. We were on a trip to visit my family, Dad and my brother Gary. One of the places we visited along the way was the Dinosaur National Monument in Utah... actually, half of the "park" is in Utah and the other half is in Colorado... we were in the Utah part... An awesome place to visit... one should put it on their "bucket list". There is a museum with all kinds of bones to look at...and then one can take a guided tour out to actual digs... and they will let you dig too. Lou took my picture next to this thigh bone... I'm 5 feet, two inches tall, so imagine what the creature was like when it was alive. And, while I am thinking about dinosaurs, I'm remembering when I was attending college... I had to have 9 units of science... and I took a class for 1 unit... it was an 8 week class and met on Saturdays.. One of the places we went to was Cabrillo Beach, in Southern California... where there were huge limestone beds, and yes, if one chipped away at hunks of limestone, and gently cracked a piece open, you would find petrified fish in them...While we were in LA, we took a little side trip and went to see the LaBrea Tarpits... and the pits are still active, bubbling up gases from down deep in the earth.. So, I can cross off looking for dinasaurs from my "bucket list"... been there and done that! MMM