It's Monday, the start of a new week. Let's see... what to write about... so many stories and lots of time to write them. My husband with Marilyn Monroe at the Wax Museum in NYC...
A dream of his was realized when he saw Marilyn, standing there, big as life... a foto op popped in his head... this is the result... Lou has a great sense of humor! lol We found a very inexpensive place to stay on Staten Island, at Fort Wadsworth... for a fully furnished townhouse - $85 per day... 3 bedroom... 3 minute walk to the bus that takes you to the Manhatten ferry...We took our oldest son, Mark, his lovely wife, Terri and our oldest granddaughter, Rose. We stayed 4 days, and on Friday, on our way back to the Columbia, SC and then onto Savannah, GA area, we spent several hours in Philadelphia. Being retired military, we take advantage of staying at military lodging... can get some really good deals.